
Resurrection Remix 5.7.4 Custom Rom For Honor 6X fREE DowNLaoD

Resurrection Remix 5.7.4 Custom Rom For Honor 6X fREE DowNLaoD

Resurrection Remix is a combination of the stability provided by CM and features from Slim, Omni and original Remix builds providing an awesome combination of performance, customization, power and the newest features brought directly to your device.
Special thanks to, the CM team, OMNI team , SLIMROMS and of course to all the supporters.

-Installation Instructions
  1. If you're on stock EMUI, remove all your enrolled fingerprints first.
  2. Grab the latest build from the Downloads section below.
  3. Grab the TWRP recovery image from the Lineage OS CM13 thread here.
  4. Finally grab the GApps package. See GApps section for recommended packages.
  5. Flash the TWRP recovery image from fastboot.
  6. Reboot to recovery. Skip the Input Password screen and perform a full wipe.
  7. Copy the ROM zip to your Internal or External storage.
  8. Flash the zip right away.
  9. After flash, immediately flash GApps package before doing anything else.
  10. Reboot and Enjoy!
-Credits  Contributors
XePeleato, surdu_petru, OldDroid
ROM OS Version: 6.0.x Marshmallow
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.10.x
Based On: LineageOs

558MB DowNLoaD hErE                                

Resurrection Remix 5.7.4 Custom Rom For Honor 6X fREE DowNLaoD Resurrection Remix 5.7.4 Custom Rom For Honor 6X fREE DowNLaoD Reviewed by SC-COMPRESSED on July 30, 2017 Rating: 5

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